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Ask Peter D'Adamo

OBLIGATORY, FINE-PRINT TYPE DISCLAIMER: All materials copyright 1998 Peter D'Adamo and Gregory Kelly . All right reserved. The material presented here is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for the services of a physician. By participating you agree to indemnify Peter D'Adamo and Gregory Kelly from any liability that might arise from its use.


NOTE TO READERS: I am putting the "Ask Peter D'Adamo" feature to rest for a while. It gets about 50-75 questions a day and 96% of them have long already been answered. I originally installed it after closing down the old message boards. With their re-instatement, plus the upcoming demands regarding LR4YT (which I have to have back to the publisher by Fall) and getting back into the laboratory, I have to cut back a bit on the Internet stuff. I will open it up again for questions when time permits.

In addition to this page, there are several more pages of questions and answers:

Ask Peter D'Adamo, page 2

Ask Peter D'Adamo, page 3

Ask Peter D'Adamo, page 4

Ask Peter D'Adamo, page 5

Ask Peter D'Adamo, page 6


There is also an  Ask Peter D'Adamo Index and a collection of my posts (Volume 1, Volume 2 and Volume 3) culled from the message boards.

I am very proud to announce that my clinical associate, Dr Gregory Kelly will be adding his expertise periodically to the "Ask Peter D'Adamo" page. Greg is a naturopathic doctor, who has written extensively on a number of nutritional topics for the prestigious journal Alternative Medical Review. -PD

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Questions and answers for February16-19, 1999:


Q: I've searched the archives and have yet to locate info regarding my question. I am a Type A with on-going Epstein-Barr virus. I have investigated the use of Noni Juice to enhance my immune system, however, I do not find this fruit listed in your magnificent book. Would you please advise me on the use of Noni in my type A diet. Is Noni useful or is it just more MLM hype? Health & Happiness.

A: Dr D'Adamo has never tested Noni and I have not used it clinically, so I can't offer alot of advice. By the way, for readers not familiar with Noni, it is a Hawaiian and Tahitian fruit. I did read a book on Noni recently, and based upon the information it probably has some significant health benefits (particularly with muscular skeletal pain related complaints). The component of Noni identified as being most important is coincidentally also found in smaller amounts in bromelain (the enzyme found in pineapple) and a very respected researcher who pioneered much of the bromelain research decades ago did some of the research on Noni. My suspicion is that this fruit would agree with Type A's; however, I am not sure how much it would help with a chronic viral infection like Epstein Barr virus. Typically people with chronic Epstein Barr Virus have decreased activity of Natural Killer Cells (NK) so this part of your immune system must be built-up. Basic good lifestyle habits including adequate sleep, lots of vegetables, not smoking etc. are important as are the blood type diets. Avoiding wheat is critical for all blood types with this condition, since its lectin decreases NK activity. Herbs such as the larch arabinogalactan and astragalus mentioned in ER4YT build up this part of the immune system. A chronic viral infection is something that takes a while to overcome even with the best supplement protocols and health guidance. And since there are many additional supplements that can help with this as well, I would recommend you find a practitioner near you with experience in helping people with this condition for best results.


Q: I am a blood type A, my doctor has me on synthroid for a hypothroid. I am concerned about it. I see in the health food stores the Raw Thyroid supplements. It contains Thyroid Tissue 50 Mg., Adrenal Tissue 20 mg., Pituitary Tissue 10 Mg., Thymus Tissue 5 Mg., Spleen Tissue 5 Mg., and Kelp 300 mg. is this safe to take or should I ask my physician, but I think I know what he will tell me. Thank you for your time.

A: Thyroid tissue (or glandulars) found in health food stores, by law must have all of the hormones removed. Is it safe? This glandular (as well as the others you ask about) has been used for decades and decades so this product is probably safe for blood types who do well with the meat from its source. However, a more important question might be whether it is effective. The answer to this is probably no, since he thyroid it contains will have no hormone activity. Kelp or Bladderwrack has a reputation for helping correct low thyroid function; however, my experience is that it works in a small percentage of people (my colleague Tammy Alex, ND and I figure based upon our experiences that about 10% of people with hypothyroid get good results from kelp or bladderwrack). The percentages are greater if the person in question is type O, has autoimmune thyroid problems, and the kelp is specifically Fucus vesiculosus. The other glandulars you mention can have some hormone activity and can certainly be important for improving health in some circumstances, but don't have alot of action in hypothyroid. Hypothyroid is a challenging condition; it can be related to or impacted by nutrient deficiency, autoimmune disease, poor liver function, chronic stress, diet, pituitary insufficiency, adrenal dysfunction, stress, poor sleep, etc. While synthroid is far from a perfect medicine for correcting all of the symptoms of hypothyroid for many people, unfortunately supplements do not work very predictably either. Many times people with hypothyroid will feel better on Armour Thyroid or a similar dessicated thyroid which has hormone activity. This is a prescription drug and at one point in time (before synthroid-T4) was a common treatment for hypothyroid.

Questions and answers for February13-15, 1999:


Q: I just discovered your book. Sounds "intuitively" correct to me. I currently follow a non-fat Pritikin diet. Any problem if I stick with this and follow your plan (i.e. no oils, some salmon etc.).

A: I am pleased to hear you are considering adapting the diet strategies in ER4YT, however, I am not an advocate of no-fat or very low-fat diets, since they can present several problems from a health perspective.

First: Most people are aware of the importance of vitamins A, E, D, and K. Many people have also heard of the importance of a nutrient called Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10), often used for heart disease and a range of other health conditions. These nutrients are all fat-soluble, which in a very general sense means they are found in foods which contain fat and they are best absorbed if they are taken with or are a component of a fat containing food. So, people following a low- or no-fat diet can potentially put themselves at risk for certain nutrient deficiencies if they follow such a diet for a prolonged period of time. Second: The body can actually create both fat and cholesterol from excess sugars or carbohydraytes in the diet. Unfortunately, the body is very limited in the types of fat it can create, so the fats it makes from sugars and carbohydrates are not "good" fats. It is critical to get essential fatty acids in our diet since we can not make this form of fat. I am always concerned when patients tell me they have avoided fats for years because invariably they have a relative deficiency of good fats.

Third: A low fat diet invariably becomes a high carbohydrate diet. This is problematic for many people because it tends to result in less stable blood sugar and insulin insensitivity (or resistance). High insulin levels, (from a presentation I was fortunate enough to attend by Barry Sears, Ph.D), are a much more significant predictor of heart disease than either high blood pressure or high cholesterol (almost 300 percent more risk). High insulin also can influence estrogen negatively to increase risk for breast cancer.

Fourth: Let’s look at weight or body composition for a minute. To burn or eliminate fat we need an enzyme in our fat cells called lipase to be active. Unfortunately, a low fat diet down-regulates the activity of this enzyme (not a good strategy for weight loss). As I mentioned low-fat usually equals high-carbohydrate and since we can make fat from extra carbohydrates, a low-fat diet usually means we make fat (even if we are not eating it) but the enzymes in the cells where fat is stored do not burn fat as readily. The net result for most people is usually a poorer body composition over time. An interesting study was done several years ago on two groups of women. Group 1 followed a high carbohydrate diet and exercised a great deal. Group 2 followed a balanced diet and consisted basically of "couch potatoes". Contrary to common sense, the women on the balanced diet with no exercise actually had better body composition (meaning less fat and more muscle) than the women who exercise and had a high carbohydrate diet. An interesting side note is that the women on the high carbohydrate diet also had more difficult menses and were more likely to suffer from periodic fatigue.

Fifth: It is important to recognize that many diets are appropriate in some circumstances but not others. As one of my nutrition teachers in Naturopathic school (Ron Schmidd, ND, author of a great nutrition book for Type O's and B's "Native Nutrition") drilled into our heads, if we consider most diets...there is a difference between diets which can take you from a place of poor health to better health as opposed to diets which can maintain health. Chinese medicine actually has a similar concept, meaning that if someone is in a place of excess, you temporarily place them on a diet aimed at reducing excess until they achieve balance, then you shift them to a more balanced diet. I think the Pritikin Diet works well for many people in our society to move them from excess towards health, but my observations have been that many people who stay on this type of diet for a long period of time cruise right through health and end up with a new set of health problems. Sixth: Interestingly, in a recent edition of the New York Times, I read that the national recommendations about diet have shifted again with the new recommendation increasing the amount of fat and decreasing the amount of carbohydrates recommended as part of a "good" diet.


Q: Where can I purchase arabinogalactans made from Larch Pine tree. I do not want to take Echinacea. Thank you.

A: Larch Arabinogalactan is carried by several companies currently. Professional only companies (meaning they only sell to doctors, health professionals, or pharmacies) including Thorne Research and Naturopathic Formulas (NF) sell this product. Retail companies including Eclectic Institute and North American Pharmacal sell this product through selected health food stores (although currently it is not available in many health food stores). North American Pharmacal also does direct shipping of this product to customers.


Q: What is the relationship of blood type to the incidence of osteoporosis, if any?

A: No controlled studies have been conducted on women, blood type, and osteoporosis; however, a study indicated male alcoholics with type O blood had far fewer bone fractures than any of the other blood types. This would be expected since O's tend to have the highest activity of an enzyme called intestinal alkaline phosphatase which is important in calcium metabolism. I suspect is a study was to be conducted, it would find Type O women had the lowest risk of osteoporosis.

Questions and answers for February11-12, 1999:


Q: Is imitation crabmeat (made of pollock) favorable to Type As? What about Type Bs? Thank you for your answer.

A: I am always leary of anything with the word "imitation" used in the name oras a description. I am not concerned about the pollock (a neutral fish for Types A and B); however, the imitation crab meat I have seen alwayscontains a wide range of additional ingredients. I checked with the localfish market here who claim to have the best brand of "Imitation Crab Meat"they could find. A sampling of additional ingredients included CORN STARCH,WHEAT, SORBITOL, SOY PROTEIN ISOLATES, CANOLA OIL, and several preservatives. This range of additional ingredients basically hits at least one avoid ingredient for every blood type (more for some). Assuming this "Immitation Crabmeat" is representative of other brands on the market, I would consider it an avoid for all blood types. Although Crab is listed as an (Avoid) for A's, B's, and AB's (neutral for O's), my advice would be that you would be better served by choosing crab over the "imitation crabmeat" for an occasional treat.

Q: We have two questions. There seems to be a contradiction in your two books in regards to Type A and eating Yogurt. Yes or No? You state that Type O's should avoid corn, does that include popcorn? Thank you we love your book, keep up the wonderful work.

A: Yogurt is neutral for Type A's (although I don't recommend having it every day). Frozen yogurt, because of the high sugar content in most, should be relegated to an occasional treat. Popcorn, in addition to corn, should be avoided by O's.

Q: Sorry! Maybe it is a foolish question but my blood type is A; am I allowed to eat eggs? My book is in Portuguese and I didn't see any information bout that. Thank you

A: No, this isn't a foolish question at all. Even in the original book (ER4YT), Eggs were accidentally left off of the blood type lists. They should be considered as the following:

A (N)
B (HB)
O (HB)

Q: In 'The Eat Right Diet'Type A: broad beans are labelled neutral as a pulse (page 112) but to be avoided as a vegetable (page119). Which is correct?

A: This must be a mistake in the editing process for the United Kingdom edition. In ER4YT, broad beans are listed as (N) and should be considered as such for Type A's.

Questions and answers for February10, 1999:


Q: We have known friends who have been on your diet for some years now, and they often speak of their success with the diet. Over the past few years, I have been halfheartedly trying to integrate your diet into my household, and have of late, been rather serious about it. I have had a few stumbling blocks. My children (ages 5 -type A - and 7 type O) are reluctant to try new things and while we eat a healthy diet, it is not blood-type related. My main difficulty with the children is getting them switched from milk to soy and from wheat to soy (and other non-wheat products). I intend this to be a slow, gradual process, but was wondering if you had any insight into making it an easier, more integrated process. I don't see anything of this topic addressed in your FAQ's section. Also, my husband (Type A) has been diagnosed with GERD, where the stomach acid erupts over the protective flap at the top of the stomach. He is a heavy tea drinker, and while fairly flexible about going on this diet, does not want to give up tea to go on coffee, which according to your chart, is highly beneficial for his type. He feels it would aggravate the acid problem he has with GERD. Any comments on this would be appreciated. Thanks for all your work, and continued success.

A: Let's start with your children. I think the approach you are taking "...slow, gradual process..." is the most sound. The most important area to focus on in the beginning is incorporating more of the beneficial foods for their blood type. Emphasizing a reduction in both milk products and wheat will benefit both of your children, so be patient. Food choices in many respects are a learned choice/preference, so over time exposure to other options might create new preferences for your children. Studies have shown that children, left to their own devices, select over the course of several weeks, as good or better foods when compared with what their parents would have picked for them. The watchwords therefore are...exposure to new foods and patience.

With respect to your husband, GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disorder) can often be provoked by coffee, so he is wise to not incorporate a generally "A friendly beverage" into his diet. Chocolate has also been shown to provoke GERD symptoms, and I have observed clinically that black tea might has a similar effect in some people. Although GERD is often dealt with by medicines which decrease stomach acid, acid is only part of the problem here. Many factors can result in GERD symptoms, including hiatal hernia, food choices, large meals, poor combinations of food, decreased gastrin (a hormone that stimulates stomach secretions and also is thought to help keep
the lower esophageal spincter (LES) at the top of the stomach tightly closed), decreased stomach acid in rsponse to food, candida overgrowth, etc...

Since your husband is blood type A, it is likely several things within his control will reduce his symptoms. 1) Follow the appropriate blood type diet 2) Avoid coffee, chocolate and black tea (especially near big meals) 3) Eat smaller size meals!!! The stomach initiates the digestive process by a combination of digestive secretions and by muscular contractions which act to mix food with the digestive secretions. If an individual has lower levels of digestive secretions this could result in a longer stay in the stomach for the food, more mixing, and so more possibility of reflux. 4) Pay attention to food combining!!! A meal with a piece of fish and some vegetables is easier to digest than a steak and potato. 5) Avoid sugars and sweets. (it has been my observation that these can be problematic for people with GERD. 6) Consider using a few drops (between 5-15) of Gentian (Gentiana lutea) in a glass of water 30 minutes before meals. A study has shown that blood type A takes about 45 minutes to produce peak gastrin levels (O's take about 15 minutes). Gentian, a bitter, has been shown to increase gastrin. By taking this bitter 30 minutes before eating, your digestive secretions will be better prepared to digest your meal and your LES should function better. An interesting note, is that digestive bitters evolved as cultural traditions in several European countries. This is one tradition that many A's would benefit from by adding to their dietary regimen.


Q: I have been a proponent of Living Foods Veganism for 15 years and have worked at the Hippocrates Institute as well. Several experiences this past year have caused me to challenge my own "beliefs", and I have been very excited to hear about the blood type diet information.
MY QUESTION: My father is Type O, My mother is Type A...I tested as a Type O (using the home test kit). The genetic information contained in your book and on the website say that Type A is dominant and that I should be Type A as well. Am I missing something? Is this possible? How accurate is the Home test kit? Thank you in advance for your response.

A: Based upon the information you provided it is indeed possible for you to be an O. If your father is O, then you aquired an O gene from him. Your mother being A means she is either AA or AO (with the O here being recessive). If you Type as O, it would mean your mother is an A of the AO variety, and that you aquired an O gene from her. Although the O was not dominant in your mother, it would combine with the O from your father and give you a genetic blueprint of OO (the only possible combination for an O). The Home Typing Kit is extremely reliable; a similar kit is used in one country in Europe to verify blood type for patients prior to surgery.

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Questions and answers for January 1-15, 1999:


I am currently breast feeding and type AB+, are there any additions I need to make to the diet. For example more dairy or vitamins (other than prenatal)? My child was premature and I want to make sure he is getting every thing he needs.

No, the AB diet should provide more than enough nutrients. Think about using the Membrane Fluidizer drink (described in section on type B) as extra fatty acids are always welcome in breast milk.

I have just been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I'm following the ER4YT diet for the most part but have eliminated wheat. My joint pain has lessened somewhat. What else should I concentrate on to improve my condition?

Although you did not cite your blood type, the B vitamin folic acid (1200 mcg daily) can help prevent re-occurances of rheumatoid arthritis when it goes into remission.

How should a blood type diet be arrived at for people with multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS)?

Generally, start removing "avoids" first, then concentrate on liver detox/regeneration. This can be through the use of botanicals like milk thistle (A and AB) or licorice (B and O). Lastly, slowly introduce "beneficials" one by one.

I have a terrible problem with bloating and gas and constipation if I stray too much from the diet. SometimesI have to eat out and there is no way around it. Are enzymes okay for type A's to take? What about pancreatin? Will this help? I dont' want a license to backslide and sin but sometimes my options are not that good and I have to eat foods that I know are going to cause this effect.

Rather than pancreatin (derived from hog pancreas tissue) I often recommend pineapple enzymes (bromelain) or the "plant enzymes" manufactured by several supplement companies. Try to use "bitters," like the herb Gentian, before a meal. They help stimulate your own digestive juices. Lastly, do some basic food combining, such as avoiding the combination of proteins and starches at the same meal.

I am an O, 43, female and in good health. I am going to have liposuction surgery on my outer thighs and posterior hips. The surgeon has no advice on nutrition, homeopathy or other pre or postsurgury preparations. My question is: Do you have any suggestions for nutrition and vitamins, homeopathy or other supplements to encourage positive and effective results and a powerful and quick healing and recovery? I am particularly concerned with bleeding and bruising. Thank you.

The herb Centellia asiatica (often found in preparations used to help varicose veins) can make a big difference in healing from surgery. Also homeopaths have traditionally used the remedy Arnica (always used in the homeopathic dilutions 3, 6 or 30c, never in tincture). Many people in health food stores and some pharmacists are now conversant in these remedies.

For many months this web site advertised that the reprint/reissue of "One Man's Food" was "coming soon." Is that still going to happen, and when?

The website will not be carrying "One Man's Food". However, you can probably order it from my Dad's office in Portsmouth NH listed in the back of the book.

The corners of my mouth are irritated and crack when I yawn. I have tried cortizone ointments, anti-bacterial ointments, vaseline, to no avail. My doctor gave me a pill for yeast although he did not think it was a yeast infection. He also injected it with cortizone which did not help. He seemed to think it was nothing, even though I have consulted with him twice. The corners are red, wrinkled, and dry. I also consulted the dentist who didn't have any ideas on the cause. I am a type A but I am not very careful with the diet right now.

This can be very common in type A's, and is a clear sign that their stomach acid levels are too low. Following the type A diet more closely should help balance acid level to your dietary need. A topical licorice gel also can give substantial, if temporary relief.

Specifically, I would like to know what sort of alterations you would make (assuming that you have given thought to this - which perhaps you haven't) to the AB diet for someone who has Hepatitis C. I had just begun using your diet before I started a regime of interferon and ribavirin, and it seemed to be helping me with a number of life-long problems, primarily daytime drowsiness and low energy and night-time sleeplessness. Thanks for your great book and your great work!

Japanese studies (Mori, et all 1994) studied the effects of adding glycyrhizzic acid, one of the active components in licorice, to interferon protocols. The results showed that the addition of licorice (in the form of SNMC- "Super Neo Minophagen C") increased the percentage of positive responses to interferon therapy from 30% to about 60%. It is important to remember that this form of licorice is not the DGL form sold in health food stores, as that form has had the active ingredient removed. Paradoxically, drinking licorice tea would provide a substantial amount of glycyrhizzic acid (as glycyrhizzin) but be alert to signs of licorice overdose, such as swelling of the fingers or high blood pressure. Perhaps the best advice here is to work with a competent practitioner skilled in the use of herbals. I've treated many patients with hep-c and to a person they've done very well.

My husband's nutrionist put him on the blood type diet, and I followed suit, and we have both seen benefits result, namely weight loss, decreased cravings, and more energy. So accordingly, I've told every friend and family member about it. The majority of my family is type A, and my brother is the focus of this question. He has always had severe allergic reactions since he was a child to both food & flora. My mother and I have been doing a lot of reading and encouraging him to try the diet, so he recently tried soy milk and had a terrible reaction. What type of approach should be taken with an individual who seems to be sensitive to numerous beneficial foods on the list? Is there any way to gradually "desensitize" them and better their health? Or does he just need to always avoid those foods?

The answer here would be the same as the one given to the person with multiple chemical sensitivities. Start with avoid removals, work on the liver, gradually introduce beneficials.

My 3 year old sister, O type, is going through chronic ear infections. I'm trying to convince my mother that she is having an allergy on certain types of foods, like milk. She is not a good eater, she always asks for plain pasta, and she gets it. Can it be pasta? milk? something else? If we stop giving her milk, what's the replacement?

Try calcium fortified soy, rice or almond milks. Failing this, try fruit juices with a pediatric calcium supplement. In a child who is type O the culprits are always wheat and dairy.

Have you found any specific correlations between migraine headaches and a specific abo type(s)? Also, could you elaborate some on ABO susceptibility to certain neuro-psychiatric disorders? I looked up the references you listed, then came to a "virtual" dead end. By the way, being a holistic nurse, I am impressed with your true interest and passion evident in your work. I have read your book, have offered the information to just about any client open to the theory. Makes sense to me. I definitely feel more energy when I stick to my A-type diet....more tired and unfocused when I succumb to the ever prevalent calling of wheat products. Need any help as far as employment? No kidding! Keep up the great work. It is amazing to me that you and you're dad's theory has taken so long to catch on! Most of my associates are at least thinking about the logic of it all. Thanks!

All blood types get migraines, but get them for different reasons (usually the results of the wrong diet increasing the levels of polyamines -toxins- causing activation of the immune system, resulting in inflamation). This is probably why even generalized "bowel detox" such as enemas and colonics, have been historically successful for migraines. However, eating right for your type is a less invasive labor intensive way to get the same results.

Much of my next book will be looking at the effects of the blood type diet on mental-emotional health, but suffice it to say, there will be a similar long road to hoe with the skeptics; most experts are unaware of the studies documenting behavioral differences between the ABO types, and would not expect the explanation to lie in the realm of genetics, but will rather expect it to be the result of ascribed characteristics (ala Japan), hence having "no scientific basis."

I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease 7 years ago and had surgery 2 years ago that removed a foot of my small intestine (including the terminal ileum) and a 1/2 foot of the large. I am an O blood type (and currently do not eat red meat, but some fish and a little poultry) and am curious if following your recommendations would help to improve my day to day health. I do not eat dairy currently, but do not otherwise follow this diet now. My general health is ok but do feel sluggish overall and am very able to notice problems with digestion of much of the food I eat. Curious to know your feedback.

Typical O things: wheat, corn and dairy avoidance, the use of the amino sugar n-acetyl glucosamine (not glucosamine sulphate) and the product "Seacure" (a peptide made from whitefish) have been the most successful strategies I've used in my practice. All of these should be securable from a good pharmacy or health food store.

Hi Peter, been following type A diet religiously, feel great and it makes sense. I asked you this a few days ago,haven't got an answer. Can I take a multi-vit with mixed carotenoids made from sea plants. I know I'm supposed to avoid beta carotene. I also heard donating blood is heathy for donor. Thanks for your wonderful book,it has changed my life.

Cartenoids from sea plants are fine for type A. It is only the synthetic carotenes which I suspect are the problem. Unfortunately they comprise 90% of all the carotene preparations sold.

I am a 45 year old woman in good health, taking no prescription drugs, following your diet for AB types. My principal health concern is preventing cancer. I have had one melanoma removed (from my shoulder), and am being monitored by an ocular oncologist for suspicion of melanoma in my eyes. Two close relatives, an aunt and a young cousin (35) died recently of non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and I read that melanoma sufferers are more likely to develop other types of cancer. This is my question: Is enough known about the AB blood type to feel confident that the diet that you recommend is the best one for preventing cancer.

I think so. Since melanoma is one of the few cancers known to have some response to immunotherapy. This is because, unlike most cancers, melanoma cells tend to look a lot like each other. Hence an antibody synthesized by the immune system has some chance of working. I'd also pursue investigating immune enhancing polysaccharides like those found in larch, Echinacea or Astragalus. These tend to enhance NK (natural killer) cell activity, which is your first line of defence.

I am blood type O and my wife is blood type A. Our third daughter was born 2 months ago. We have just started on the ABO diet, and something occured to me. Our nursing daughter spits up very often, and I was wondering that if maybe she is blood type O ( we haven't gotten her blood type results back yet ) and she is reacting badly to my wife's blood type A diet. The spitting up is not something that started when we started the ABO diets, but it just seemed to me that the difference in blood type could be a contributing factor, and if you knew anything about it.

Breast milk is, to a degree, "immunologically priviledged." By that it is meant that food antigens. etc are normally denied access. I say it is such to a degree, because human breast milk is inordinately high in the sugar fucose, which you may know, is part of the O(h) antigen. This is not normally a problem as the O factor is considered "universal donor" hence no blood type will react negatively to it. I think there is a chance that your child may just have an immature esophagus in which case "tincture of time" should solve everything.

What recent research can I read that would help substantiate your theory on diet and blood types? My co-workers think you're writing fiction, but I have an open mind. I think your work is fascinating, but I'm looking for other corroborating and recent evidence.

Unfortunately, there is no peer-reviewed, double blind university study in JAMA or the NEJM which directly says "Peter D'Adamo's Theory is Correct." First of all, nobody had thought to look at blood type and diet prior to my writing my book. Second of all, it would have to be, by design, a huge, probably expensive study, which someone would have to have an economic incentive to perform. Prior to publishing my book, I was just an everyday suburban physician in a small private practice, and, although my critics seem to think it mandatory, the chance of doing that kind of study out of my own personal economic resourses was well nigh impossible.

So, what are we left with? Well, you could take my word for it. Surprisingly, many things in medicine got their start that way. A statistician contacted me about 2 years ago and had an interesting take on this "proof business": If he just took the conclusions provided by the mere titles of the research articles cited in the back of ER4YT, they themselves would consitute an association between blood type and diet "of very high significance".

You could also research the factual basis of the theory by educating yourself on the structural underpinnings of the theory, such as the disease correlations, or the lectin hypothesis. One way of doing that is to go to MEDLINE (available form the front page on this website) open up ER4YT to the references at the back of the book, find one that sounds interesting, then key in a few search words (the author last name is usually sufficient). Nine of ten times you can read the abstract of the article, which should provide you with a point of reference as to whether my conclusions can be sufficiently backed up by the pre-existing scientific literature.

Hi there from down under! I am a type O suffering with Myasthenia Gravis. Would you have any specific advise for me, in consideration of this illness. Have just begun program and definately feel more energetic! Am also trying to combine it with "Zone" quantity principals. What do you think? (Hope this makes sense) Very hard to get Essene bread and Bladderwrack in Australia! Thank you for your time and I am really enjoying your wonderful book!!!

Several species of eels have a lectin in them which apparently induces a proliferation of suppressor T cells very specific to Myastenia Gravis. The idea here is to actually suppress the immune system paradoxically by stimulating it! Increasing this particular subset of T-suppressors apparently turns off the specific T-killer and Helper cells which are actually attacking the cholinesterase receptors in the nervous system. Many of the Italian families in New York City (where I grew up) used to cook eels in a tomatoe sauce aound the holidays. I've never tried it, but my friends used to lap it up.

My question concerns your Membrane Fluidizer Drink. The ingredients uses flaxseed (linseed?) oil. In the UK this is not available as an actual oil due to it's instability (so I've been told). I would like to know why this 'oil' is suggested and what are the possible alternatives.

Olive oil (the thin, extra virgin type) works faily well.

I have had great success on the bloodtype diet. I am a type A. Thank-you for publishing this book. I have not seen a reference to articial sweeteners. Maybe I missed it. Is there any work on articifical sweetners for blood type. If it's already out could you point me in the right direction? Again thanks, so much!!!!!!!!!

Avoid artifical sweeteners .They are either directly carcinogenic (cyclamates) or indirectly carcinogenic (nutra-sweet class).

I'm a type O. Have the food choices selected for blood types taken into account the genetic evolution of blood types over the centuries? If type O evolved into other types A, B, and AB. Couldn't O itself have evolved over time to tolerate a wider variety of foods?

Not really. Think of it like this: You have a 1953 DeSoto sedan. It runs well. When it breaks you can fix it easily. Why would you want to trade it in for a 1972 Chrysler K series?

I happened upon your web site due to a link from another web site, and it is quite interesting. I do have a criticism of the theory, but it is different and perhaps less negative than, for example, the vegan advocate who seemed to feel threatened. My comment is that yours is far from the first theory saying "I've found the important principle in diet". This opinion comes from encountering so many conflicting theories, all of which make "sense".

For example:

bulletLow-fat (Pritikin) vs Unrestricted Fat (Atkins)
bulletRaw (Live Food fans) vs Cooked (TCM, Macrobiotic)
bulletRefined-Carbohydrate-Is-Death (Stoll) vs other theories that see nothing wrong with pasta or bread
bulletFood-combining (ie the most important factor is which foods are eaten together)
bulletZone - Good-eiconsanoids are what we need, everything else is less important (also "Protein Power")

True, but doesn't this list in a way just validate the concept that virtually all of the "one diet fits all" concepts are flawed?

Fort* expressed this best in his "Law of the Hyphen" -the idea that much of reality lies in an intermediate, "Excluded Middle" realm of existence.

Sounds like ER4YT with respect to the more extreme Vegan and Paleolithic diet proponents, doesn't it?

Another is Fort's basic attitude, expressed frequently, that the more dogmatic and authoritarian a system, the more likely it is to be wrong. Hence his dislike for much of scientific and religious authority. He had a basic perspective that knowledge could never be completely universalized or totalized - as soon as one door is closed, yet another is thrown open, as he said. This best describes the value of a system like the blood type diet: In essence each individual is an exception to the rules, and no food in and of itself is "good" nor "bad".

Can the same be said for the systems or theories you list?

* For those who've not heard of him, Charles Hoy Fort was a 19th-century eccentric who would read through the various scientific journals of the day, looking for 'damned data' about which the learned authorities were at pains to explain. Such things would include reports of falls of strange things from the sky, strange things seen in the heavens, and strange disappearances. Fort found the pathetic efforts of astronomers, meteorologists, and other scientists to deny and explain away these weird occurences inadequate, and often mocked them for their pompous attempts to deny that there were things they didn't understand.

"One measures a circle, beginning anywhere..." -Charles Fort.

My mother and I are both Type B blood types and are on the Type B diet. My mother has Multiple Sclerosis, she is trying to follow a homeopathic way of treatment and to cut out the pharmaceutical drugs. Maybe something to add to her cocktail?

I think it might be common to have these other ailments with multiple sclerosis, but wonder if the diet will address them all? Also what would be any added advise for someone who might be genetically dispossed to contracting MultipleSclerosis? (I have had no syptoms yet but am concerned)

Definitely have mom do the Membrane Fluidizer drink every AM. Also, your mom should look into methylcobalamine (active B12, not the far more common cyanocobalamine) and the herb Urtica dioca aka "Stinging Nettle" (the root, not the far more common leaf)

I would like to know what you think of macrobiotic diet for Type A.

I am Type A. I understand what ER4YT is about. Is it true that Type A should be on macrobiotic diet? I hope you explain me more about it.

Macroibiotics can work for type A, though you will have to double check for Type A avoids which may be avocated by macrobiotic philosophy. Lima beans, for example.

I borrowed your book from a family member, and I must say, it was an incredible experience. I am type O. When I read that section, I felt as if you were writing about me! I am an O+ vegan. What should a vegetarian/vegan type O do if they believe in what is said in your book, but they don't want to start eating meat again for other reasons? I realise that the answer is not neccessarily to ignor or refute the evidence!

I home-tested as a Type O Negative, which I plan to reconfirm at a lab. Since I have been a lacto vegetarian for 26 years for religious reasons, naturally I was horrified. I believe firmly in my choice of spiritual path, and also believe in the validity of the ER4YT diets. I have spent over an hour searching the indexes for advice on how to mange within these parameters. Will avoiding the negative foods and supplementing with protein powder suffice? To give you a better picture of my personal health situation, it has been just the last 3 years that I have not felt well. I pulled out of chronic fatigue with acupuncture and chinese herbs; I lost 20 pounds this year due to digestive problems & stress, and I was already thin (tested negative for leukemia or diabetes); I have become increasingly allergic to wheat & coffee; and I never feel rested, am chronically constipated and have no extra energy to exercise. I cannot, and will not eat meat, fish, fowl, or anything that contains them, and I LOVE tofu. What's a spiritual girl to do?

Steve Shapiro has a nice way of responding to this very common dilemma:

"Always remember that it's your body, and ultimately up to you to decide what to eat or not eat. If you'll take the time to go back through the archives of this board, you will find posts relating to this subject. Basically, you have these options:

1) Choose to eat flesh foods

2) Avoid flesh foods & type O avoid veggies/beans/fruits/etc. Pick your diet from the Type O OK beans, veggies, dairy (if you eat that), fruits etc.

2a) Supplement appropriately

3) Continue eating from the wide variety of vegetarian (dairy or not) foods that you have been choosing from, and come back to this question again should your health start to deteriorate. If it does not deteriorate, and you stay healthy, then the subject is moot. "

Another board participant, Elena, also had an interesting take:

"I was a strict vegan for about a year. Experimenting, you know. One reason I stopped being a vegan was that my body told me to, but the other one, believe it or not, was ethical. How come? Well, I felt it was unethical to parade about as holier than mother nature, as though trying to shame her into feeling guilty of a crime for creating carnivores and omnivores. I felt it was unethical to feel morally superior to my wonderful, smart, loving cat just because I could survive without meat and she couldn't. Besides, I felt it was unethical to cowardly eat only the species that can neither fight back nor run away under any circumstances, and only pursue a helpless carrot or a defenseless cucumber! I'm not kidding you! Once you start feeling a certain way about life and live things that comprise it, there's a chance you may lose the humans-are-superior-to-the-rest-of-life-forms specie-ism, which is the deepest form of racism ever invented. The way I see it, every species should be allowed to be what it is, and in fact there's only one species trying to be what it isn't -- the one already responsible for enough trouble on this planet! So... I quit being a vegan and became an omnivore, because cruelty to animals is something I'm opposed to, and one of those animals I don't like to see mistreated is me, the same way that I wouldn't abuse my cat by putting her on a diet of carrots and cucumbers."

The diet has been wonderful for both my husband (O+) and me (B+). In four months we have had 95% of our symptoms disappear (but that will go on your shared results part of the website). My question is this: can eating a beneficial food together with an avoid food counteract the avoid food? If avoids are like poison and beneficials are like medicine, what is the outcome of consuming them together? Thanks for all your good work, we feel wonderful!

No, beneficials and avoids function on a different axis; i.e eating a "avoid" food containing a lectin will do damage to the intestinal lining. No "beneficial" food will repair it per se.

Also, if one has a history of Acid reflux disease, and is taking prilosec or prevacid, how long should they stay on their perscriptions as they do the type O diet?

Generally, 4-6 weeks, but remember: With all prescription medicine, always make sure the guy who put you on it is the guy who takes you off it.

Just wanted to tell you that your type O diet got rid of my Hashimotos thyroid condition. I just avoided all the avoid foods except for potatos once in while and an occassional glass of milk (Very occassional) and it is now gone. I wasn't even following your proportions right.

Super! This auto-immune condition of the thyroid is both more common in type O and reliably helped by the type O lectin avoidance diet. As such it would make an excellent mini-study to help prove the value of the diet theory.

What is your opinion on taking either 5-DHT or Tryptophan as a supplement, and does blood type inform whether one should take these supplements? My M.D. who recommended your diet (I am type O) also recommended taking one or both of these supplements to deal with lack of energy. While following ER4YT diet and excercise guidelines has helped (though I'm not always consistent with the regular aerobic exercise), I still am having an issue with lack of energy. Thanks, and keep up the good work.

5-HT looks attractive as a "safe" tryptophan (the "unsafe" aspects of the original were a bogus slap at the supplement industry, as it was not tryptophan that was the problem, but rather a defective production technique). Unfortunately in several trial adminstrations, I've not seen it work all that well. Perhaps other practitioners have had better results.

Greetings, I'm a type O recovering vegetarian on your diet some weeks and much improved. I have searched your site for answers to these questions but have found no answers as yet. What about Spirulina as excellent protein source, I'm amazed I have not seen it mentioned. Also, is rice milk O.K for O's?

Spriulina can trigger allergic reactions in some type O's. It is also very expensive. Rice milk is fine, as long as it doesn't contain carageenan.

Thanks a million for your work, it saved my sanity! (Mom of two small children). Question: I am a type A and have a candida problem. I am on the second doctor to try and relieve the symptoms of fatigue. He has me on a detox diet using your TYPE A diet while I am on the candida killing meds, along with milk thistle and acidopholis (sp) pills. But he will not let me eat, while on detox, grains and fruits, even the highly beneficial. I can't eat that much veggies and fish, no matter how I look at it. Isn't the meat/veggie diet for type o's with candida? What should I eat as an A? And is my candida here to stay?

I would do the Type A diet just as outlined in the book. Indeed, some of the type A grains have anti-candida agglutinating lectins (wheat for example) which virtually no holistic doctor to my knowledge is aware of.

I know you've dealt with this issue before, but it keeps reappearing, most notably and recently on the website of the peripatetic Dr Andrew Weil... Peanut butter as a a CAUSE of cancer! Given your recommendation of peanuts as an anti-cancer food for Type A's, how do you respond to Dr Weil's observation that a recent study showed the amounts of aflatoxin present in peanut butter to pose more of a cancer risk to humans than most pesticides?

I think it is a sick joke. Aflatoxin is a fungus that grows on moldy peanuts which are improperly stored. Aflatoxin is a carcinogen. If you buy peanut butter from any reputable manufacturer it will have already been government assayed for aflatoxin. Just don't grind your own peanut butter from suspect peanuts and you'll be fine.

Does Helix lucorum contain the same powerful lectin as Helix pomatia? Thank you very much , you are doing a great job!

Don't know. But apparently Helix aspersa does.

I'm a 46-year old type A, who has been on the diet with about 98% compliance for 9 months. I've experienced very good results and plan to stick with it. There are occasions, however, where it's impossible to avoid the items on the avoid list. I've found that if I eat items on the avoid list for more than a meal or two, my health problems return very quickly and are somewhat worse than they were before starting the diet. Is this expected or normal, and do you have any explanation for this phenomena?

Not really, other than you may just be more tuned into having the discomfort now that you feel better. Generally with time comes accomodation which is the true measure of the diet's success.

Please can you tell me your opinion of tissue salts ( Kali Phos) etc. for the various blood groups.

bulletNatrum phosphoricum and Kali Phosphoricum seems to work well in type A.
bulletMagnesium phosphoricum works well in type B.
bulletKali muriaticum works well in type AB.
bulletCalcarea phosphoricum works well in type O.

Type O from Wisconsin. I was actually introduced to your father's work over 10 years ago and never had enough chutzpah to try it with my vegetarian friends and all. You know doing the right thing for the planet and all the while I was killing myself.

Look after yourself first. Barring nefarious intent, the planet is eminently capable of taking care of itself

ABO VIE sur www.abovie.com